Park of Monte Netto

Consortium for Management of the Agricultural Regional Park of Monte Netto


The Park, newcomer between parks of Lombardy, is composed by Monte Netto which it occupies for about 2/3, by a hill whose maximum height is about 130 meters above sea level and it is surrounded by an articulated belt of territory that values all its potentiality, protecting it from deterioration and linking it to surrounding countryside, to river valley of river Mella and historical old town centers.

From the point of view of nature and ecology, the local element of interest is certainly determined by the forest of Capriano del Colle. In addition, in the area of the quarries, there are small lakes that permit the growth of vegetation of a certain natural interest. Park is also characterized by agricultural environment composed by rows placed along the divisions of plots and roads, with mulberry trees, once common in these areas, but now very rare.

Consortium of Regional Agricultural Park of Monte Netto

The main tasks of the Consortium are: protection of biodiversity and natural prestigious elements, safeguard of morphological structures and geomorphological features, safeguard and esteem of landscape and historical-cultural goods, promotion of high quality agricultural and wine-producing activities related to the sustainable use of natural resources, encouragement of cultural, educational and recreational activities. Parts of the Consortium are: Capriano Del Colle (with a percentage of 40 % calculated on the basis of population and surface), Poncarale (35 %) and Flero (25 %).

Via Mazzini 8 – Palazzo Bocca


25020 Capriano del Colle (BS)

C.F. and P. IVA 03029030982

Tel 030/9748788  030/9748788

Fax 030 / 9746647
